It began back in middle school...around the beginning of October {or June 1 for my grandmother}, "What do you want for your birthday?" "What do you want for Christmas?" At that point, Christmas is still like 60 days away, and that is too far out to make any decisions. But I did realize that if I developed a condensed list of wishes for my birthday, the ones that were not gifted for my birthday could be Christmas presents, and so the Great Christmas Power Point was born.
I still remember one item from that very first Power Point: the pink Pottery Barn Teen old-fashioned telephone. I lusted after that thing. Dreamed of sitting on my bed, with my stuffed animals, next to my dresser covered in rows of lip gloss, three-way calling all of my besties. Okay, I was 12. But I got it, and it was a big and very specific item, and I saw first hand the power and success of the Great Christmas Power Point.
You too can create a Great Christmas Power Point! All you need to do is create a ppt. document, select a background/theme, and begin! Include links to the specific items {double check to make sure it is to the correct, size, color, etc.} as well as an exact picture of the item on each slide. This will make the life of the gift purchaser much easier, and I believe is where the true success of this lies. It's really easy, and is not at all time consuming, especially if you have a Pinterest. Now even my littlest brother Sam is making a Christmas power point!
The issue now is, I am a big girl {or at least pretending to be most days} and these people keep on harassing me for my Christmas power point. Last year, when one was not submitted in a timely fashion, my Nana threatened me with only receiving tube socks if she did not receive the document ASAP. While no such threats have been received this year, I know I've got to get on it.
What should I include on the Great Christmas Power Point of 2013?