I Want it All


I want it all, and I want it right now! I haven't really done a "home tour" of the new house yet because I've got a couple of significant craft projects happening soon, and I also want to invest in a few new purchases. It's amazing how quickly you can decide you are ready for a new look, but I'm really tying to prepare for the future. Someday the 'fancee' and I will live together, and I highly doubt he wants to drown in all of my pink things. So I'm slowly transitioning out of the pink/gray/blue/white thing I had going on, and am focusing on more gray/white with some blue. Calming colors.

I would really like to get a new sofa and rug for the living room. Sofa because I'm tired of the fabric cover and the original fabric underneath keeps tearing, and rug because my new living room is much bigger than the last and it is all dark, hardwood. Beautiful floors, but I'm really not a sock girl and I need something soft underneath my tootsies. And since my Sweet Magnolia Cottage is surrounded by lots of old trees, I thought a big white rug would brighten up the room.

Now for decision time...what color for this couch? I'm definitely leaning towards this style from Rooms-to-Go, but don't know which color to pick! Maybe after seeing it in person I'll be able to decide...and once I paint my wing back chair gray, that may make my decision.
Rugs can be quite pricey, but Rugs USA has great prices and amazing sales! The rug below is originally $296 for the 6'7" x 9' size that I want, but is currently 55% off with free shipping. A big rug for less than $150? Sign me up!

Oh, and can I just have these cutesy C. Wonder sunnies while we're at it? 
Chunky Square Cat Eye Sunglasses

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  1. Oh my goodness...I'm right in the middle of a living room re-do too. I purchased a large rug from Ballard several months ago (Catherine rug), and a new sofa. Funny how when you get a couple of new pieces, then suddenly you realize you need to paint and add a few more pieces. I've ended up with a new chair and coffee and end tables. I'm eating PBJ's because of the purchases. But I knew it was going to happen so I started saving a year ago. I did not get a shag rug (big dog and all) but I LOVE the look of an off white shag rug. Love the one in the pic you posted. I changed up my colors too...going with grey/cream/blue. I'm trying to add just a pop of black with a couple of accessories. I'm so excited for you and your new place. I think one just can't help it, when they move into a new space, they want a new look. Have fun!

    1. Yeah I want to do it all right now!! sandwiches for me too just so I can get all the things!

  2. Love your options! If you are wanting to lighten up, I really like the lighter grey for the sofa. If you are going to paint your chair grey than you could paint it the darker gray for some contrast, just have them match the dark grey of the pillows (I assume the come with). I love the nail head trim and the shape! Can't wait to see how it all turns out!

    1. That's what I was thinking...plus, the lighter color would look better with more paint colors/longer in the future.


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