New Year's Resolutions

via Pinterest
Normally, I'm not one for New Year's Resolutions. I forget a lot, and have a major sweet tooth, so these things tend to not work out for me in a "Oops, I wasn't supposed to eat that cookie!" kind of way, which quickly leads to "Well, I've already had a cookie, so I'll have ice cream for dinner too." I also don't like to start things on the first {or a Monday, if I can avoid it. Wednesdays work better for me}, so hello Jan. 5! Anyways. 2015 will be my last year as a single woman {weird, I know}, so this is the prime time to really work on my self and prep for my time as Sadie, the married lady.

This year's resolutions are all about being a well-rounded individual. Luckily, I have some pretty pressing deadlines that will hopefully keep me on track.

  1. Get healthy--I absolutely have got to start eating healthy and exercising. I know I, and everyone else, says this every year, but it's really true. Besides looking great in my wedding dress, I want to live like a really long time, and if/when I ever do birth a child, I'd like to be able to do so easily and also recover quickly. This isn't about getting skinny quick, but about longevity.
  2. Read a book a month--I used to read all the time. In the car, in the shower, in bed late at night, in class, etc. All the time. Now, I never read. I'd like to thank college for that. Not that I really every read my textbooks {oops}, but it just is such a busy and exhausting time that all I wanted to do in my free time was watch TV and sleep. I want to get back to a place of enjoying reading for pleasure, and to further my knowledge and understanding of the world. I like all kinds of books, so please suggest some of your favorites in the comments section below!
  3. Read my Bible regularly--Recently, I've really slacked in my Bible study and time with Jesus every day. This is something that is important to me, and also to my future marriage, and needs to be integrated into my daily life. 
What are some of your resolutions for 2015? 

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  1. Great post and we have some of the same goals! We can hold each other accountable. I hope all is well dear.


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